Tips for selecting a great location for your salon

When you are looking into opening your own salon the amount of things you have to consider is massive. Once you have decided to go ahead and take the plunge one of the most important decisions you will make for your business will be choosing where to open it. It shouldn't be taken lightly and you need to research so that you are absolutely sure that the space you choose will work for clients and you.

I have complied a short list of things you should consider when looking at locations.

Research the local area:

You will probably have an idea of an area you would like to open your shop in. Even if you live there or know it well you should still research the area to make sure that the services you are planning to offer would be something that the local people would want to use. You want the area to be well looked after by the council and invested in but you should also be aware of any upcoming developments as you don't want to open your salon and then a few months later find the area is drastically changing. The local area may also affect the style of your salon too. For example, if you are looking to open a hip, trendy, fun salon this would probably be more suited to a town or city than a quiet village. 

Accessible and easy to find:

To maximise your client base, choose a location that is central and easy to access via car, public transport or on foot so a main road or busy area is best. If people can see you, you're  more likely to attract new customers. People window shop and if they can see your salon and your style they can make an informed decision about whether to use you. Salons can operate in the evenings and with the dark afternoons in winter it's a good idea to look for somewhere that is well lit. Not only will that maximise your visibility but it will also feel safer for your clients than a dark backstreet. You can always add lighting to your shopfront if the street doesn't have much lighting near you. Also think about parking, not just for clients but for your staff. Being able to offer free parking in a car park will appeal to a lot of clients or try to find a location near public car parks. Anything you can do to make it easier for your client to find you will be beneficial to your business. Try to find somewhere that is easily accessed by a wheelchair too. If not and your salon has steps or is raised it is a good idea to invest in a ramp which can be used as needed.


It goes without saying that wherever you choose to open your salon there will be other people competing for business. So do your research and find out what services they offer and try to offer different options which will make you stand out. You don't want  fierce competition with other businesses, you want your salon to thrive. If you're in a busy area it's likely that there will be other businesses from different sectors around you such as restaurants, retailers etc.  This can also help to increase the footfall to your salon..


It's never fun crunching the numbers but it is important to when you're opening a new business. You need to work out if you can afford where you want to be. If you have a quiet month can you still comfortably afford all the bills and wages? If not it's probably worth looking at somewhere cheaper. Within costs the size of the space you are looking at is another key factor. We all hope the business grows and in a few years you can expand, so you look at a space that's larger than you need a the minute, but consider that in the meantime you'd be paying rent and bills on this space that isn't bringing in any income. You also don't want to go the other way and choose somewhere that's too small so it becomes too cramped for clients. Always look at the space before you decide to go ahead. Measure up to make sure your furniture will fit and try to view the space at different times throughout the day to see what the footfall and area is like at different times. 

Opening your own salon can be a really exciting time and researching the location beforehand will give you the best chance of success. As the saying goes, "location, location, location!" Hopefully, taking these points into consideration will mean that when your salon opens it will be a huge triumph!