How to set up a mobile hair & beauty business

We've previously covered the reasons why setting up a home salon can be extremely beneficial however, setting up a salon at home hinges on the fact that you must have the space to do it, whether that's a purpose built space or converting an existing space. Some may not have the space available or don't want to lose a room in their home so an option with the same flexibility would be to set up a mobile business. Going mobile still offers the flexibility of setting your own hours and managing your diary, whilst also meaning you don't lose space in your home. I have outlined some of the things to consider when looking at setting up a mobile hair & beauty business.

Research, research and more research!

You don't want to scrimp on the research as something you learn could be the difference between a thriving business and a struggling business. Check out competitors in your local area and what they are offering. Is there anything that makes them stand out? Research current trends and whether this is something you will offer and how it will affect your business if you don't. Find out who your target client base will be and whether people want to use mobile hairdressers over a trip to the salon. All of the information you gather is vital to your future success.

Create an in-depth business plan

In your business plan you will need to detail everything your market research has taught you and how you are responding to the information. Include your vision, goals, and strategies in detail so you have a clear idea of the direction you want to business to go in. Detail the services you will offer, pricing and your planned working schedule e.g. if you are going to work mornings only or need to block out time to do the school run etc. Pay particular attention to your marketing strategy as this is how you will attract new clients and get your brand out there. Have a look at our blog which gives tips on how to market your business.

Click to read now! 

Develop a brand that is unique to you

Your brand will be a major selling point so make sure it is clear and consistent from the start. Do you have any unique selling points that will allow you to stand out from everyone else? If so, shout about them! Choose your logo, name and colour scheme and try to tie in your ethos with your branding where you can. For example, you might be using eco friendly products so use that as part of your branding and marketing. When you've chosen your marketing avenues then get your name out there as much as possible but also be responsive to queries and questions. Remember, as a new business, this is the first impression a potential client will form of you so make sure it's a positive one.

Insurance is key

For your safety and your client's safety always take out the relevant insurance and keep up with the renewals. Make sure the insurance company understands exactly what services you offer so the insurance is tailored to your needs. You may also need to update your car insurance as it will be used for your business so speak with your car insurer and outline your plans.

Find the right equipment

It goes without saying that your job becomes a lot easier with the right tools and equipment so make sure that what you are buying is fit for purpose. Read the reviews and measure up! Make sure that the equipment is going to fit in your vehicle and that your vehicle is reliable. You don't want to create an impression of being unreliable or late to appointments. If you are going to be offering card payments, and it is the most popular payment method, you'll need your own card reader. Keep on top of equipment maintenance and inventory so you aren't finding out last minute that something is broken or has run out. 

Diary management

Outline to clients straight away the times you will not be available to work or answer calls/enquiries. Managing your own booking system is easy but make sure you factor in travel times and increase journey times during rush hour etc. If you know there are roadworks on the route then try to plan accordingly. Even a courtesy text or call to a client if something surprises you on the way will maintain your professional attitude and keep your client happy.

Take the leap!

Finally, all there is to say is to go for it! If you've been thinking about going mobile for a while then using this list and researching fully will give you the tools you need to succeed. Use all of the skills available to you and invest fully in your business. Really push the boundaries and put yourself out there and in the end it will be so worth it. After all, hairdressing has a long history dating back to ancient times and the need for talented hairdressers is showing no signs of decreasing so this is a wonderful, exciting, and timeless profession to be in!